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Membership Benefits



Benefits of Membership

Membership runs from January 1st to December 31st of the current year


  1. Bi-monthly newsletters containing information and articles to help with the management of your birds.Bi-monthly flyer to keep updated on the latest club activity

  2. Monthly meetings where everyone can get together to hear speakers and brain storm.

  3. The purchase of "traceable bands" which are required by some shows as a means of identifying the owner/breeder and the age of the bird.

  4. A Facebook presents where you and fellow breeders from around the world can share information and photos.

  5. A network of fellow hobbyist to help in breeding and obtaining quality birds, and answering your questions.

  6. Access to a Members Only Page that contains an archive of past newsletters.

  7. Any member can place small ads in the newsletter for any bird-related product or for birds, for free.



Click below for all the Information you need

to join and start enjoying the benefits

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Membership Application
& Band Order forms



Any Questions - Email Us Below

Be Sure to Put "Canary " in the Subject Line

Success! Message received.

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